الأربعاء، 16 أكتوبر 2013

Nokia Lumia 1020 meets the Inside Out Project London

We’ve been hearing lots of good things about the Inside Out Project for a few years now, sincethis epic speech at TED 2011. So we thought it would be rude not to pay a visit to the site of JR’s (pictured above) latest exhibition space (with the Nokia Lumia 1020 in tow).
Nokia Lumia 1020
JR is a world famous French artist and film-maker who had his TED 2011 wish granted: to turn the world inside out! 
JR wanted to use his camera to show the world it’s true face, by pasting photos of the human face across massive canvases (be it derelict buildings/the street/monuments).
And, his wish really did come true….
There are now over 120,000 posters all over the world from Cuba and the USA to Israel and Palestine, plastered across city centresand exhibition spaces.
Inside Out Project New York
There were already hundreds of photos pasted to the street down at Somerset House before we arrived. We queued up for about 20 minutes, had our photo taken in the back of the huge camera van and then a giant print out of the shot appeared at the front of the truck.
Lumia 1020: truck
We were then escorted to literally paste our faces to the street using basic poster paint!
Lumia 1020: paste
So it’s official, the Nokia Lumia 1020 has been immortalised on the streets of London…
Tell us what you think of the exhibition. If you’ve managed to find one wherever you are in the world then please tweet us some photos over on @Nokia_Connects.
**Here’s a little game for those of you who live in London; try and find the Nokia Lumia 1020 photo at Somerset House, take a photo of it and send it to us!**
Image creditInside Out Project / TED

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