الأربعاء، 16 أكتوبر 2013

Exynos Might Spell Doom For Samsung As Its AP Market Share Takes A Dive

Whether you like it or not, Samsung plays a pretty big role on the mobile market. It’s one of the most successful and influential companies around, and the giant is invested in more than just building Galaxy smartphones. Samsung is also a mobile processor builder, and even Apple’s A7 64-bit processor that makes the iPhone 5s tick has been assembled by the Korean giant.

While Samsung is not the only smartphone manufacturer to build mobile processors, it is the most prominent and ambitious one. As an example, we have the Exynos 5 series which delivers an interesting Octa-core architecture that can compete with Qualcomm’s finest. However, despite these achievements, Sammy is apparently not doing that great in the AP market.

Exynos Might Spell Doom For Samsung As AP Market Share Takes A Dive
Exynos Might Spell Doom For Samsung As AP Market Share Takes A Dive
Samsung is Losing Ground in the AP Market

While the latest Exynos Octa processors are quite intriguing and have made the headlines more often than not, analysts have recently discussed Samsung’s application processors market share, and have estimated that the Korean giant has lost ground at an alarming rate, especially in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the year. According to analysts, Samsung held 9.4% of the AP market share in Q1, but the percentage dropped to 6.8 in Q2, and then down to 5.3 in the third quarter, reaching the lowest level since 2008 when Sammy had a 3.7% AP market share.

In other words, while the latest Exynos Octa chip is quite famous and intriguing, it’s also not the most successful thing to come out of Sammy’s factory gates. The lack of LTE-A, and perhaps the fact that the Exynos SoC does not offer 4k video recording capabilities as the Snapdragon 800 does, may have caused this lack of interest. That, and the fact that the Octa-core chip uses big.LITTLE processing, instead of true octa-capabilities.

So what does this mean anyway? Well, either Samsung will continue to lose ground in the AP market, or it will work on delivering a more sought-after chip. Word is that Sammy is already building a new Exynos processor with a 64-bit architecture, which will also deliver HMP (Heterogenous Multi-Processing), which will make the 8-core chip a true octa. I suppose we’ll have to wait and see how the story will develop.


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